Sunday, February 25, 2007

Grilla in Manila ! Grilla in Cebu ? (The journey of the Liempo)


Moto-cross my heart ! (The passion for motorcycles)


Free. Free. Set Me Sugar FREE


My Best Friend's Haircut

"A little off the top please". That's what people usually say when we go in the salon to have a haircut! But what if someone says " Give me a Trim all over" . That's insane! Or is it? Maybe not.

I surprised my best friend with a treat of a what i call a "total haircut", right at his very home ! I asked someone to go over his house and give him a makeover he will not forget. He was hesitant at first not wanting anyone to touch him but I assured him that everything will be alright, that this will be just be an experiment. that there is nothing much to lose as he can grow his hair back. I wanted him to get out of his comfort zone and start changing things not slightly but in a large revolutionary way. To allow himself to do something different, something interesting. Who knows he might end up loving it!

At first he didn't know what to think or how to respond as he stood there quiet and wondering what I meant with all words I just uttered. I took his silence as a YES and proceeded to snip away. Will he like it? I don't know, some people will like it and some people will not, but all I know is that people will admire and envy you for having the guts to do something interesting. Have that attitude and you will always be different and continue to make a difference in other lives.

Is your life beginning to be cyclical? Going to the same places, doing the same things, day in and day out! Are you like one of the planets revolving around the sun. The Laws of Motion in physics states that a body in motion continues in its state of motion along the same path.... and this state continues forever and ever unless an "external force" or an "extra effort" pushes it out of its trajectory and into another path of motion. Please put in your extra effort to break the cycle that will bring you to eternal boredom! Or may the external force be with you!

By the way, did I mention..... my best friend is a dog.

CHILL ! Quality is cool !

To Beer or not to Beer? That's not a question !